Vin Sound Synth Collection


The full Vin Sound package. All of our synth presets by Vin Sound in one big bundle.

Maniac Massive

The massive sounds of the maniac, by the maniac, for the maniac!

Hell Razor

Hell Razor has arrived. Futuristic, heavy synth presets for Native Instrument's Razor.

FM Z3TA+ 2

139 Presets for Cakewalk's Z3TA+ 2 Synth

Total: £14.99


This bundle brings together 675 heavy, futuristic, and deragned soft synth presets created by Vin Sound. Included are 139 presets for Cakewalk’s Z3TA+ 2, 332 presets for NI’s Razor, and 204 presets for NI’s Massive.

Check out the individual product pages for details of collection included in the bundle.

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